all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 5BA 6 0 53.375723 -2.851833
L25 5HJ 24 0 53.378098 -2.85397
L25 5HL 5 0 53.378902 -2.854677
L25 5HN 54 0 53.378566 -2.853919
L25 5HP 33 0 53.376859 -2.862513
L25 5HR 14 0 53.375747 -2.863483
L25 5HS 17 0 53.376221 -2.86256
L25 5HT 11 0 53.376586 -2.861846
L25 5HU 24 0 53.376635 -2.864703
L25 5HX 19 0 53.37661 -2.865966
L25 5JA 18 7 53.375388 -2.867143
L25 5JD 5 5 53.374494 -2.866404
L25 5JE 21 1 53.375063 -2.868505
L25 5JF 31 2 53.375738 -2.868428
L25 5JG 4 0 53.377569 -2.866346
L25 5JH 8 1 53.375321 -2.867638
L25 5JL 11 3 53.376268 -2.867266
L25 5JN 11 0 53.380762 -2.866005
L25 5JP 6 0 53.379211 -2.866785
L25 5JQ 4 0 53.379017 -2.86618